
100% Love Tester


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The True Love Calculator

The True Love Calculator is a game that helps you find your true love. Just enter the names of two people and click on the calculator icon, and we will return the result as the love percentage between the two people.

How to play Love Calculator

  • In the name box, enter your and your partner's names.
  • Click on the calculator icon to start calculating.
  • See the results that our system produces.
  • You can press the arrow button to start over with another person's name.


  • Random algorithm: The computer uses random algorithms to analyze the letters in your names, such as the number of letters, popularity, and position of letters, to score points.
  • Fun entertainment: The True Love Calculator's results are intended for fun entertainment rather than a relationship assessment.

Is The True Love Calculator game factually accurate?

The True Love Calculator game is entertaining and fun, bringing laughter to players. Don't put too much faith in the results, but consider it a fun way to entertain yourself in your spare time.

Another fun game on Love-Tester.io you might like is Love Tester Julie.

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